2004-07-20 日記


今天開始線上封閉測試測試新的照片瀏覽網頁,IE,Opera,Firefox都通過了,沒有問題.不過唯一問題是小宗宗網頁放在免費空間,所以會猛跳出pop-up廣告視窗.Opera,Firefox都好解決,因為都有內建pop up防止裝置.IE比較麻煩,目前比較好的解法是安裝MSN工具列,然後啟動”封鎖快顯視窗”功能即可.早就說IE爛啦~首頁還會被綁架,又會有漏洞,很糟的瀏覽器^^

I just found a very interesting forum called Spymac. Spymac is not only a forum. It also provides members 100Mb web space, 250Mb photo album and 1Gb E-mail account. It’s all free. I just signed and posted a lot of messages in forums to practice my English. I’m glad that people can understand what I talked about and replied me. I think that it’s a good place to practice my English. ^^