今天把flash debug了一下,修了一點CSS的東西,把字調亮了一點,重量(粗細)也加了一點,不過IE很鳥,有些CSS不支援,不過不管了,小宗宗根本沒打算支援IE,IE會中毒,會被綁架,速度又慢.真是爛爆啦~
最近小宗宗yahoo老是買到壞東西,貪小便宜XD之前是鏡頭,這次是充電器,這充電器應該是冒牌的仿製品,因為價錢便宜,所以就買了,沒想到電池都充不滿,只好退貨了.充電器根本沒有Made in Japan的.這顆竟然是MIJ的…一定是假的啦~
I debugged the flash and fix some CSS styles today. I found out that the IE was not good to handle the CSS style. IE does not support lots of CSS than others such as “margin-left margin-right auto”. So I decided to put a small IE icon with a cross. That means this web site doesn’t fully support the IE browser.
I hope everyone change your browser to another one. IE really sucks.
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