2004-09-17 日記


再搭配小宗宗昨天在小宗宗爸爸的SONY TR盒子裡發現的叫做”Z6″的日本電子地圖程式,三樣加起來就可以開始研究日本行程啦~小宗宗發現住的大崎飯店離新宿,涉谷,秋葉原都不用轉車呢,棒~

I started to schedule my trip to Japan. I found a amazing program which delivered with my father’s SONY TR2 notebook. It’s a e-map of Japan with really fine details even contains the 7-11 convenient store location and some fast food restaurant.
I can use this program and the a website which can search the train’s time table to scheduled my trip more easily.