這兩天小宗宗電腦都沒關.小宗宗忽然發現”電驢”(eDonkey)果然是好物啊.兩天抓了不少卡通的說,像是週四晚上小宗宗才在BS-i看的Rozen Maiden(薔薇乙女),昨天就經有配好字幕的檔案放出來了.今天早上看了一下,有種豁然開朗的感覺XD不過eDonkey下載有版權的東西是違法的,所以還是小心點用^^
My computer did not turn off more than three days. My computer is uploading and downloading lots of stuff by using the eDonkey. I think the eDonkey is the most important invention in recent years. It can share files and data with others more easily and quickly. I just downloaded an animate which I just saw it on BS-I last Thursday and it also has the Chinese subtitle. There are lots of animates that I did not see in Taiwan. I can watch the latest animates by using the eDonkey. It’s great. ^^
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