不過後來過了一陣子重新開機,竟然又好像沒發生任何事情一樣又進到OS X作業系統下,不過沒多久又死當了.小宗宗耳朵靠到硬碟上聽了一下聲音後,研判是硬碟壞了.看來得有一陣子看不到iBook了T_T
Yesterday really was not my day. My iBook was malfunction. When I went to bed, I opened up my iBook. Everything looked normal, but after few minutes. The whole system was crash. I restarted again and I got a white screen. I can’t get in the OS X system. I tried to fix the OS X, but I only got a blank hard disk just like a brand new one. After I diagnosed the whole system, I found out that the hard disk was dead. I will send it to the reseller to fix it tomorrow. I hope it will come back as soon as possible.
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