經過五小時努力的運算後(幸好是電腦算^^),終於算出原始mpg檔案.接著還要用另一套程式轉成VOB檔案的Video DVD格式,還弄了一下menu,這樣可以知道曲名也可以直接選歌.小宗宗覺得可以說是完美的境界了.
I spent all afternoon editing the concert which I recorded from the BSD yesterday. I used a DVcam to record the program, so I have to convert the files to the mpeg2 format and burn into DVD. The program also contains commercial, and I have to cut off. I use the Premiere to edit the whole concert program and convert to the mpeg2 format. After that, I use another program to convert the mpeg2 file to DVD format and make a DVD menu in it. The DVD menu can let you know all the song’s name and you can select the song you want to watch directly. Finally, I burn a test disc and check it on TV. I think this is the best one I have ever made before. It’s perfect. ^^
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