2004-02-15 日記


今天下午跑去朋友家燒資料,沒想到小宗宗失算,搞了半天才發現朋友的電腦沒有USB 2.0,本來以為慘了,沒希望了,看來今天是白跑一趟,沒想到意外在NB的邊邊看一個小小的孔寫著1394接頭,嘿嘿~還有救,不過小宗宗沒有帶1394線,不過幸好附近有燦坤,不過竟然只有賣超長的線.明明燒錄機就放在NB旁邊,但是卻用4.5公尺長的線連接,不過沒差啦~反正可以用就好了.弄一弄燒完都九點多了,回到家11點半,淡水還真遠啊@@

I went to my friend’s place to burn some data back.Oh~NO!I found that his NB had no USB 2.0 port.DVD-R can’t use USB 1.1 to burn data.Wait!I found this NB also had 1394 port.Great!I can use 1394 instead of the old slow USB 1.1.But I forgot to bring the 1394 cable.So we went to the mall near his place to buy one.Then everything did fine.I went back home around 11 with lots of new stuff ^^.